Hey Hallo! This is about me. I'm Jess! How do you do? My bday is on November 26. I was born in 1985. You do the math. Currently I am in Silver Spring, Maryland. Though, by August 30, I should be moved in to my new house up in Somers, New York (population 10). I have 2 doggies. Phil and Lil. Lil is mine. She was my bat-mitzvah(1998) gift and Phil was my brother's bar-mitzvah(1994) gift. We're Jewish if you didn't figure that out yet. My brother is Matt. He is older. He was born in September, 81. Again, the math is up to you. He's off in college - NAU - Northern Arizona. I have parents (2). We all live in a yellow submarine, but not really. I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner. I like Green Day. I also lilke alt/punk/ska. Swing dancing is fun. I wanna learn how. I like Friends (the TV show), as well as Daria. I hate MTV, cept for Daria and one or 2 other shows. I watch the Disney channel too much. It's not TV, it's HBO. I love making movies. Jen can back that up. I like dying my hair. I love chocolate. I have a drum set, cept I can't play. I wanna play guitar. My drum set is green. I like clouds. I want to fly. What else do you wanna know? IM me at EvRcLR1639 or just e-mail me. Add @aol.com to my screen name and wallah! Instant e-mail address. Toods, doods! |